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Walletinvestor Kft, Hungary

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I cancel my subscription?

Only users can cancel their subscriptions through the user profile after logging in (, through their PayPal account, or through their SimplePay account. Messages and requests sent through our contact forms or as a reply to the automatic emails sent by our system DO NOT qualify as cancellation. After cancellation users receive a confirmation email stating that the subscription has been cancelled and marking the end of the subscription period. If the user does not receive a confirmation email regarding the successful cancellation, it means that the cancellation was not successful. Walletinvestor cannot be held responsible for charges completed after an unsuccessful cancellation.

It is the users’ responsibility to cancel the subscription if they do not wish to utilize it anymore. Failing to cancel the subscription in time or not utilizing the subscription does not entitle users to receive a refund.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

Users can cancel their subscription at any time before their next payment is accepted and they won't be charged anymore. Users can cancel their subscription without any cancellation fee. The subscription is automatically renewed until cancellation.

After cancellation users will be able to access our services until the end of the subscription period.

But I cancelled the payment through my bank/card provider/payment provider...

If the user does not authorize the upcoming payment through the selected payment provider or card provider, it DOES NOT qualify as cancellation. If the tranasction is rejected with a "NOTAUTHORIZED" or any other status, the payment system will reattempt to complete the transaction in a few days and will continue trying to complete the transaction. Users are not entitled to a refund if they failed to cancel their subscription and they declined the payment by not authorizing it. 

How can I cancel my VIP Newsletter subscription?

Please contact us in email, or through the contact form. 

Do I get a refund automatically if I cancel my subscription?

No. Cancelling the subscription does not mean that you will receive a refund automatically. Users may cancel their subscription to stop the automatic renewal of the subscription, or to stop using our services completely.

Users are only eligible for a refund if they meet the criteria for the 30 Days Money Back Guarantee. The 30 days money back guarantee only applies to users who signed up for our yearly forecast subscriptions or the VIP Newsletter service. Users who signed up for the trial version are not eligible for a refund.

Important: users are not entitled to a refund if they decide to subscribe to our premium services again. 

How can I get a refund with the 30 Days Money Back Guarantee?

Contact us in email, or through the contact form within thirty days if you want to have a refund. Please note, that if you cancel the membership within thirty days you won't get a refund automatically. We can only guarantee to refund your money if you contact us within thirty days starting from the day of subscribing. After contacting us within thirty days of subscribing we will refund the money within two days.

Important: this does not apply to trial subscriptions which were automatically updated to a yearly or a monthly subscription. 

Important: users are not entitled to a refund if they decide to subscribe to our premium services again. 

I subscribed to the service, but I did not receive the login details

Please check if your payment was completed or not. We cannot activate the subscription until the payment is completed.

If you are a new member, you received an email from us with your user name and login. Please check your spam folder as well. After logging in you will be able to use our premium services.

If you are already a member, please use your existing user credentials to log in.

I can't log in, I get an error message

The user name and password fields also take blank spaces into account, and an empty space might have been copied with your username/password which would result in an error. Please note that the user name and password fields are case sensitive, please make sure that Caps lock is off on your keyboard.

If you received a Forbidden #403 message you are already logged in.

I don't know/forgot my password

You can request a new password and have the confirmation email sent to you again through the login page:

If you forgot your password, you can request a new one here:

I want to change my password

If you want to change your password please log in and follow the steps in the User Guide:




Click here for information on our cancellation policy.

Click here for information on our refund policy.

Click here if you would like to contact us.